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2. Verbs with a stem ending in -z, -ss, , -s and -x

Basic conjugation rule
German verbs whose infinitive stem ends in -z, -ss, , -s and -x add -t and not -st in the "du" form of the present tense.

2.1 Verbs with a stem in ending in -z
These verbs include ächzen (to groan), beizen (to steep, to treat), beschmutzen (to make dirty), blitzen (to flash), duzen (to say "du" to someone), ergänzen (to complete), faulenzen (to laze about), geizen (to be miserly), glänzen (to gleam, to shine), grenzen (to border), heizen (to heat), hetzen (to hound), jauchzen (to cheer), krächzen (to croak), kratzen (to scratch), kreuzen (to cross), kürzen (to shorten), lechzen (to pant), nutzen (to be of use, to use), pflanzen (to plant), platzen (to burst), putzen (to clean), reizen (to irritate, to stimulate), schätzen (to estimate), scherzen (to joke), schluchzen (to sob), schmerzen (to hurt), schnalzen (to crack, to click), schnäuzen (to blow one's nose), schnitzen (to cut), schützen (to protect), schwärzen (to blacken), schwatzen (to chatter), schwitzen (to sweat), setzen (to put), seufzen (to groan), siezen (to say "Sie" to someone), spitzen (to sharpen), spritzen (to inject), strotzen (to be full), stützen (to support), stutzen (to trim; to hesitate), tanzen (to dance), trotzen (to defy), verletzen (to injure), verschmutzen (to pollute), wälzen (to roll, to writhe), würzen (to spice).

ich tanze I dance
du tanzt
Sie tanzen
You dance
er/sie/es tanzt He/she/it dances
wir tanzen We dance
ihr tanzt
Sie tanzen
You dance
sie tanzen They dance

2.2 Verbs with a stem in ending in -ss
These include beeinflussen (to influence), erpressen (to blackmail), fassen (to seize, to grasp), hassen (to hate), hissen (to hoist), küssen (to kiss), passen (to fit, to suit), stressen (to put under stress), verblassen (to fade), vermissen (to miss).

ich küsse I kiss
du küsst
Sie küssen
You kiss
er/sie/es küsst He/she/it kisses
wir küssen We kiss
ihr küsst
Sie küssen
You kiss
sie küssen They kiss

2.3 Verbs with a stem in ending in
These include beißen (to bite), büßen (to atone, to pay for), einflößen (to instil into someone), entblößen (to expose), fließen (to flow), fußen (to be based on), grüßen (to greet), heißen (to be called), mutmaßen (to conjecture), rußen (to smoke, to produce soot), schweißen (to weld), spaßen (to joke), süßen (to sweeten).

ich heiße I am called
du heißt
Sie heißen
You are called
er/sie/es heißt He/she/it is called
wir heißen We are called
ihr heißt
Sie heißen
You are called
sie heißen They are called

2.4 Verbs with a stem in ending in -s
These include brausen (to roar, to thunder), bremsen (to brake), dösen (to doze), einheimsen (to collect, to rake in), entgleisen (to be derailed; to misbehave), grasen (to graze), grinsen (to grin), hausen (to live; to wreak), hopsen (to hop), knipsen (to punch, to clip), kreisen (to circle), leasen (to lease), lösen (to remove; to buy), losen (to draw lots), niesen (to sneeze), piepsen (to bleep; to chirrup), rasen (to race), reisen (to travel), schmausen (to feast), speisen (to dine), tosen (to roar, to rage), verharmlosen (to play down), verlosen (to raffle), verwahrlosen (to fall into disrepair), verzinsen (to pay interest in), weisen (to point).

ich reise I travel
du reist
Sie reisen
You travel
er/sie/es reist He/she/it travels
wir reisen We travel
ihr reist
Sie reisen
You travel
sie reisen They travel

2.5 Verbs with a stem in ending in -x
These include boxen (to box), faxen (to fax), fixen (to fix, to shoot up (drugs)), hexen (to practise witchcraft), mixen (to mix), relaxen (to relax).

ich boxe I box
du boxt
Sie boxen
You box
er/sie/es boxt He/she/it boxes
wir boxen We box
ihr boxt
Sie boxen
You box
sie boxen They box

2.6 Imported verbs with a stem in ending in -c
These endings are also found in the present tense verbs with a stem in -c that have recently been imported from English.

ich source out I outsource
du sourct out
Sie sourcen out
You outsource
er/sie/es sourct out He/she/it outsources
wir sourcen out We outsource
ihr sourct out
Sie sourcen out
You outsource
sie sourcen out They outsource

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