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8.13 Verbs whose stem ends in "-d" or "-t"

The present tense of verbs with stems ending in "-d"
Verbs whose stem ends in "-d" add an extra "-e-" before the normal verb endings in the "du", "ihr" and "er/sie/es" forms of the present tense. This is true of two verbs which we have met in this section - "verbinden" (= to connect) and "melden" (= to answer). It also affects the present tense of the verb "finden" (= to find) which we have met earlier.

ich verbinde I connect
du verbindest
Sie verbinden
You connect
er/sie/es verbindet He/she/it connects
wir verbinden We connect
ihr verbindet
Sie verbinden
You connect
sie verbinden They connect

Examples of other verbs with a stem ending in "-d" would be:

  • Niemand meldet sich.
    (No-one is answering.)
  • Findest du das Hotel?
    (Will you find the hotel?)

The present tense of verbs with stems ending in "-t"
The same principle is true for verbs whose stem ends in "-t", such as "warten" (= to wait), "lauten" (= to be) and "antworten" (= to answer). These verbs also add an extra "-e-" before the normal verb endings in the "du", "ihr" and "er/sie/es" forms of the present tense.

ich warte I wait
du wartest
Sie warten
You wait
er/sie/es wartet He/she/it waits
wir warten We wait
ihr wartet
Sie warten
You wait
sie warten They wait

The present tenses of the other aforementioned "-t-" verbs would give us the following examples:

  • Die Nummer lautet: 28 50 67.
    (The number is 285067.)
  • Ihr antwortet nicht!
    (You're not answering me!)

The irregular verb "sprechen"
We have also come across a further verb which has an irregular present tense. The verb "sprechen" (= to speak) changes the stem vowel from "-e-" to "-i-" in the "du" and "er/sie/es" forms of the present tense.

ich spreche I speak
du sprichst
Sie sprechen
You speak
er/sie/es spricht He/she/it speaks
wir sprechen We speak
ihr sprecht
Sie sprechen
You speak
sie sprechen They wait

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