Go to the homepage of our German Course Chapter 9: Going Shopping (2) University of Portsmouth
9.5 Buying Clothes Includes sound files!

After they have found their way to the women's clothing department (die Damenbekleidung), Barbara and Sophie try and find a present for Barbara's sister. What do they decide on, what size is it, and do they get a bargain?

Barbara Zacharias    Ein grünes T-Shirt    Sophie Gerland

Barbara Zacharias Excuse me, could you help me please?
Sales assistant Of course, what might I show you?
Barbara Zacharias I'm looking for a T-shirt.
Sales assistant Made of cotton?
Barbara Zacharias Yes, made of cotton.
Sales assistant Yes, would you like it for yourself or are you going to give it as a present?
Barbara Zacharias I'm looking for a T-shirt for my sister.
Sales assistant When is her birthday?
Barbara Zacharias On the thirty-first of January. Which colours do you have?
Sales assistant We have it in yellow, red, black, beige, light blue, dark blue...
Sophie Gerland Also in green, I see.
Barbara Zacharias Yes, so could you show me a green T-shirt please?
Sales assistant Yes, of course. Which size do you require?
Barbara Zacharias She is a little smaller than I am, I think about a small size.
Sales assistant Small or medium?
Barbara Zacharias Hmm, small will be about right, I think.
Sales assistant Here you are, a green T-shirt with a round neck.
Barbara Zacharias Could I perhaps see a T-shirt in the medium size please?
Sales assistant Of course, here you are, that's it in the medium size.
Barbara Zacharias Yes, I'll take the T-shirt in the medium size. What does it cost?
Sales assistant Sixteen euros.
Barbara Zacharias Is that cheap or expensive?
Sophie Gerland Sixteen euros for a T-shirt. That's not expensive. It's a T-shirt that is good value for money.

A blouse    A shirt collar

Weiter! Chapter 9.6: Conversation - Zwei Geschenke

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