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Answer the questions1. Quia
The online testing centre Quia allows us to use Java exercises such as flashcards, memory games and hangman as a means of aiding vocabulary-building and grammar practice. Internet scavenger hunts mean that you can surf sites offering background information on Germany, Austria and Switzerland, and answers questions of our choosing. Click on the buttons below to access the Quia exercises which we have devised for you for this chapter:

Do your homework!

2. Hot Potatoes
Different kind of online exercises have been designed using the Hot Potatoes software. This can range from jumbled word and sentence exercises to short quizzes. It is the former type of questions which we wish you to try for Chapter 1. Click on the button below to get started.

Do your homework!

3. Send each other a German web-card
Our chapters will also contain a number of web-based exercises which broaden cultural awareness whilst also testing grammatical elements. Preparing to discover German culture via the Internet in all its multimedial glory - including radio, television and e-mail! For this section, we would like you to go to the homepage of the German children's TV programme newspaper Die Maus (= The Mouse), which is a German TV programme for children.

On the Mauskarte page, you will find a variety of animated cards featuring the cartoon animals featured in the show. Select the animation that you wish to use for your card by clicking on the pictures that inetrest you. Some of the cards are for birthday greetings and general congratulations, others for holidays and festivals. Use the Mauskarte to send greetings to your friends or your teacher. In your card you should:

  • say hello
  • say who you are
  • ask how the person to whom you are writing
  • say goodbye
    (all in German, of course!)

Click on this button to get started:

If you want to watch extracts of the TV programme, click here for a series of clips taken from the cartoon series Die Maus.

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Homepage: Paul Joyce German Course
© Paul Joyce