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5.6 The dative case and the articles

Definite article
The endings for the definite article "der" in the dative case are as follows - singular endings only.

  Masculine Feminine Neuter
Nominative der Mann die Frau das Kind
Accusative den Mann die Frau das Kind
Dative dem Mann der Frau dem Kind

Merging of prepositions with the definite article
You will already have noted that certain prepositions tend to merge with the definite article - but never with the indefinite article. The following contracted forms are almost always preferred to the non-contracted forms:

  Prep. Example
an + dem = am Ich bin am U-Bahnhof
(I am at the underground station)
in + dem = im Wir sind im Café
(We are in the café)
von + dem = vom Zehn Minuten vom Bahnhof
(Ten minutes from the station)
zu + dem = zum Wie komme ich zum Hotel?
(How do I get to the hotel?)
zu + der = zur Sie geht zur Bank
(She goes to the bank)

The indefinite article
The endings for the indefinite article "ein" in the three cases which we have met so far are printed below. Note that "kein" also declines in the same way.

  Masculine Feminine Neuter
Nom. ein Mann eine Frau ein Kind
Acc. einen Mann eine Frau ein Kind
Dat. einem Mann einer Frau einem Kind

Possessive adjectives
The endings for the possessive adjectives are as follows. We have given "mein" as an example, but the others decline in the same way.

  Masc. Fem. Neut.
Nom. mein Mann meine Frau mein Kind
Acc. meinen Mann meine Frau mein Kind
Dat. meinem Mann meiner Frau meinem Kind

The only exception to this rule is the possessive adjective "euer" (= your). This possessive loses the "-e-" of its stem when it adds endings.

  Masc. Fem. Neut.
Nom. euer Mann eure Frau euer Kind
Acc. euren Mann eure Frau eurer Kind
Dat. eurem Mann eurer Frau eurem Kind

Weiter! Chapter 5.7: Adjectives

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